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Elegantly automate more of your Operations

The next advancements in AI and automation fundamentally change what’s possible to automate so your operations team can work exponentially faster.

It’s not about AI, it’s about empowering your teams to be their most agile & efficient.

Putting the automatic back in automation

You don’t need an engineer to create your workflows. Automate across applications, teams, desktop, and mobile devices in natural language or with point-and-click commands.

Yes, you can automate that too

We built a human-first interface leveraging the power of modern AI, so anyone (engiParse documents or images, pass data to internal tools, ask your workflow to stay GDPR compliant. Our AI and deep learning models reimagine automation for your transformation.neer or not) can design and implement UI tests.

IT automations that scale, transform, and comply

We leverage deep machine learning and are advancing computer vision so your automation tooling can read documentation, extract data, and teach its models to update workflows and ensure compliance even as those regulations change.

Built a cultural habit of automation

More gets automated when automation is easy to execute and understand. Build this muscle with your team to develop more efficient processes that save time and money.

Built for operational executives with developers in mind

If you’re leading a team, you start to understand where better workflows and automations would save teams time, energy, and frustration. But if implementing automations takes as much time as they’d save, what’s the point?  As a team of developers, we’re thrilled to leverage advances in machine learning and AI to bring magic back to your operational tooling and free up your developers to focus on the things that matter. As you get started, we’re happy to provide the documentation for their review.

A Graphic showing 4 cursors with 4 names attached to showcase Collaboration

We’ve handled compliance so you don’t have to

We prioritize the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of your data. Our dedication is reflected in our tailored service level agreements (SLAs), single sign-on (SSO), on-premises hosting options, and adherence to ISO 27001 and GDPR standards.