Better AskUI Workflows with Convenience Methods in AskUI SDK (ADK)

March 13, 2024
The image shows a lightbulb glowing brightly on the right side, symbolizing ideas or innovation. On the left side, a maroon background features white text that reads: "Better AskUI Workflows with Convenience Methods in AskUI SDK (ADK)." Above the text, there's a rounded rectangle containing the word "Academy." The layout combines imagery and text to emphasize learning and innovation related to AskUI SDK methods.
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AskUI interacts with your operating system like a real human user. You write code that directly translates to user interactions such as keypresses and mouse clicks.

This directly leads to code that specifies WHAT you have to do in a specific sequence to achieve a workflow.

Unfortunately this also means a lot of repetitive code. For example, if you need to navigate a form with keypresses you have to press the key TAB often and sometimes repeatedly.

This is why we implemented some convenience methods to help you ease these pain points.

In this blog we introduce the currently implemented convenience methods and where to use them. Have fun!

Note: Please send us a message if you have an idea for another useful convenience method! TODO Needs a contact mail


What it does: Clicks a button that has a text on it.

What does it solve: More concise code for clicking a button.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await'OK').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.clickButton('OK');


What it does: Clicks an icon that matches a description.

What does it solve: More concise code for clicking an icon matched by a description.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await'Apple logo').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.clickIcon('Apple logo');


What it does: Clicks a text.

What does it solve: More concise code for clicking a specific text.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await aui.clickText('Beautiful Text').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.clickText('Beautiful Text');


What it does: Clicks a textfield with a specific placeholder text.

What does it solve: More concise code for clicking a textfield identified with a placeholder text.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- await'Firstname').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.clickTextfield('Firstname');


What it does: Searches for text elements and clicks them one after another when found.

What does it solve: Reduces the amount of repetitive code.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await'Firstname').exec(); await'Lastname').exec(); await'E-Mail').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.clickTexts(['Firstname', 'Lastname', 'E-Mail']);


What it does: Press a key multiple times. At least two times.

What does it solve: Reduces the amount of repetitive code. It lets you navigate by keyboard in a concise way.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await aui.pressKey('tab').exec(); await aui.pressKey('tab').exec(); await aui.pressKey('tab').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.pressKeyNTimes('tab', 3);


What it does: Press an array of keys one after another.

What does it solve: Navigate by keypresses sequences instead of using `pressKey(...)` multiple times.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this await aui.pressKey('right').exec(); await aui.pressKey('left').exec(); await aui.pressKey('enter').exec(); // Do this instead await aui.pressKeys(['right', 'left', 'enter']);


What it does: Wait until an AskUICommand does not fail.

What does it solve: Reduces boilerplate code you had to implement in order to wait for an element to become visible.

Example code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Do not do this // Explicit wait -> What if it takes longer than 3 seconds? await aui.waitFor(3000).exec(); await aui.clickText('Github'); // Do this instead await aui.waitUntil(aui.expect().text('Github').exists()); await aui.clickText('Github');


The convenience methods presented here help you keep your AskUI workflows cleaner and more maintainable by reducing repetitive code.

They also make it easier to understand what is going on in your workflows.

Please let us know if you find them useful or if you need a convenience method for a specific purpose.

Johannes Dienst
March 13, 2024
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