Headline Common Terms in Computer Vision written over blue sky from someone standing in the desert on a road leading to mountains.

Common Terms in Computer Vision

When you read about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Computer Vision you often come across terms that seem to be common. But do you k....

June 12, 2024
A person in a sitting yoga pose with arms above head watching the sunrise. The person is center of the picture. Headline is expect() and and() and or() subtitles are on the left and right of the person.

How to expect() - The Pitfalls

Selecting elements visually is pretty cool and all. But once you start to build a serious workflow it is not enough. You also need: Checking if el....

May 29, 2024
Five filled teabags in different shapes and sizes hanging in the air with their strings reaching outside the top of the image. The background is black and a title text Convenience Methods Update 0.18.0 in the foreground.

Convenience Methods - Update TypeScript ADK 0.18.0

We returned to the drawing board to redesign the API and include more elements like switches and checkboxes. This update will be beneficial!

May 10, 2024
AskUI Logo with text AskUI underneath on the left side. Cucumber Logo with text Cucumber on the right side of it. Both divided by a diagonal line. Left is turquoise and right side is rose.

Use AskUI and Cucumber Together

By defining the behavior of a system in a structured format like Gherkin, Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) enables teams to bridge the gap between ..

April 29, 2024
Tablet with diagram left. Clipboard with XRAY logo on the right. Apple keyboard top right. Title in the bottom reading JSON Report.

Create XRAY JSON Report And Upload it via API

When you use Jira as a testing team it is highly likely that you also use XRAY for testmanagement. So when you run UI-tests with AskUI you want to....

April 22, 2024
Left side AskUI logo with subtitle AskUI. Right side Playwright logo with title Playwright on the top. Background is left side teal colored right side is rose colored.

Use Playwright and AskUI Together

Playwright is the de facto standard when it comes to reliably testing browser applications across browsers and operating systems.

April 22, 2024
Left side AskUI logo with subtitle AskUI. Right side Selenium logo with title Selenium on the top. Background is left side teal colored right side is rose colored.

Use Selenium and AskUI Together

When you automate browser applications there is no way around an automation tool as Selenium. It optimized for browser interaction and executes fast.

April 10, 2024
Five filled teabags in different shapes and sizes hanging in the air with their strings reaching outside the top of the image. The background is black and a title text Convenience Methods is in the foreground.

Better AskUI Workflows with Convenience Methods in AskUI SDK (ADK)

AskUI interacts with your operating system like a real human user. This directly leads to code that specifies WHAT you have to do in a specific se....

March 13, 2024

Developing an Automated UI Controller using GPT Agents and GPT-4 Vision

The emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT has ushered in a new era in text generation and AI advancements. While tools such asAutoGP

February 23, 2024