Best Desktop automation software to use in 2024

Best Desktop automation software to use in 2024
Ron van Cann
January 3, 2024
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In the rapidly evolving world of software development and quality assurance, desktop automation tools have become a cornerstone for enhancing efficiency and accuracy. This blog delves into the current landscape of these tools, highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, and introduces a promising new entrant, AskUI, that's redefining the norms of desktop automation.

Key Takeaways

  • Desktop Automation Tools Landscape: The field of desktop automation tools is diverse, with each tool having its unique strengths and challenges.
  • Platform Independence: Many modern tools, including AskUI, offer platform-independent solutions, enhancing their applicability.
  • Ease of Use and Integration: Tools like AskUI are designed for quick setup and easy integration into existing workflows, such as CI/CD pipelines.
  • Language and Framework Support: While some tools are limited to specific languages (e.g., AskUI's current TypeScript focus), they often provide extensive documentation to ease the learning curve.
  • Pricing Models: Various tools offer different pricing models, from license-based to usage-based, accommodating different organizational needs.

Current Desktop Automation Solutions: Benefits and Limitations


Benefits of Selenium:
  1. Task Automation Efficiency: Selenium is recognized for its efficiency in automating routine tasks like form-filling and data scraping, saving users considerable time and effort.
  2. Enhanced Quality Assurance: The tool is valued for improving Quality Assurance processes. It minimizes the need for manual testing, reducing errors and associated costs, and elevating the accuracy and reliability of tests.
  3. Multilingual Programming Support: Selenium's compatibility with various programming languages is a significant advantage, enabling seamless integration into diverse development workflows.
Limitations of Selenium:
  1. Challenges Without Multiple Monitors: Some users find Selenium less effective without multiple monitors, as it requires additional screens for test playback, complicating setup and execution.
  2. Browser Compatibility Issues: There are reported technical challenges when using Selenium with browsers other than Firefox, potentially impacting testing effectiveness.
  3. Limited Scope for Certain Tests: Selenium lacks built-in capabilities for specific tests, notably database and image testing, which restricts its comprehensive application assessment capabilities.

Selenium, with its strengths in automation efficiency, quality assurance enhancement, and multilingual support, faces challenges in user experience with limited monitors, browser compatibility, and certain types of testing.

Ranorex Studio

Advantages of Ranorex:
  1. Multi-Platform Testing: Ranorex excels in testing across various platforms like web, desktop, and mobile. Its integration with Selenium WebDriver facilitates efficient cross-browser testing.
  2. Code-Free Testing: The recorder feature allows keyword-driven testing, enabling users to automate GUI tests without scripting, streamlining the testing process.
  3. User-Friendly Interface: Ranorex's intuitive UI, complete with multilingual support and demonstrations, makes automated test creation and analysis more accessible.
  4. Image Tracking Capabilities: Unique to Ranorex, smart object identification automatically detects UI changes, enhancing GUI testing accuracy.
  5. Collaborative Efficiency: It offers solutions for cross-functional teams, promoting efficient collaboration between development and testing teams.
  6. Comprehensive Reporting: Ranorex generates detailed summary reports, including screenshots for validation, and allows customization in formats like PDF or JUnit.
Limitations of Ranorex:
  1. Licensing Costs: Unlike open-source alternatives, Ranorex requires a paid license, potentially making it less accessible for budget-conscious users.
  2. Restricted Language Support: Ranorex is limited to C# and VB.NET for scripting, which might not cater to teams using other languages.
  3. macOS Compatibility Issues: Built on .NET, Ranorex faces challenges in integrating with macOS environments.
  4. Smaller Community: With a smaller community compared to open-source counterparts, finding solutions online can be more challenging.
  5. Update Irregularities: Frequent updates may introduce bugs, affecting stability and necessitating additional time for adaptation.

In conclusion, Ranorex is a robust tool for teams prioritizing user-friendly, multi-platform testing, especially beneficial for beginners and professionals in GUI testing. However, considerations like licensing costs, language support, and platform compatibility are crucial when choosing Ranorex for your testing needs.

Spotlight on AskUI

AskUI: A New Player for Desktop Automation you want to try
  • Fast and Intuitive Setup: AskUI boasts a setup time of just 60 seconds, guided by comprehensive developer documentation.
  • Resource Flexibility: Depending on hosting choices (on-premises or cloud), AskUI can adapt to varying resource availability.
  • Language Support: While currently focused on TypeScript, the impending Python wrapper broadens its appeal.
  • Versatile Pricing Models: Catering to diverse organizational needs, AskUI offers both usage-based and license-based pricing models.
  • Cross-Platform Application Testing: With its platform independence, AskUI can automate testing for applications that run on multiple operating systems, such as MacOS, Windows, and Linux. This is particularly useful for software development teams that need to ensure their applications perform consistently across different environments.
  • Agile and CI/CD Integration: AskUI's seamless integration with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines makes it an ideal tool for agile development teams. It can be used for automating testing processes within the development cycle, ensuring that new code changes do not break existing functionalities.
  • GUI Testing: The tool can automate graphical user interface (GUI) testing, including complex user interactions and validations. This is useful for testing software applications with intricate UI elements, ensuring a smooth user experience.


Advantages of TestComplete:
  1. UI Object Identification: TestComplete is recognized for effectively identifying UI objects and application structures.
  2. Test Expandability: Offers the ability to expand tests through scripts and plugins, accommodating complex testing scenarios.
  3. Ease of Entry: Noted for its low barrier to entry, allowing quick start-up and straightforward contribution for new users.
  4. Jira Integration: Facilitates efficient reporting through possible integration with Jira.
  5. Collaborative Convenience: Offers smooth collaboration with minimal git conflicts and easy handling of test data, especially for iterative tests.
  6. User-Friendly Features: Includes item highlighting in keyword tests, a user-friendly interface, and the capability to integrate scripting with keyword testing.
  7. Integration with Jenkins: Enhances automated testing processes by integrating with Jenkins.
Challenges with TestComplete:
  1. Inadequate Documentation: Users find the documentation lacking, particularly in areas of scripting and plugins, making it challenging to grasp specific aspects.
  2. Name Mapping Instability: Editing, renaming, or moving objects in name mapping can be unstable, leading to occasional crashes.
  3. DPI Awareness Issues: TestComplete struggles with multiple screen resolutions, affecting the accuracy of click events and application sizing.
  4. Object Mapping Limitations: Mapping or interacting with objects is constrained when windows close upon losing focus or when elements are obstructed.
  5. Test Reliability Concerns: Running the same tests repeatedly has shown less than an 80% success rate, indicating reliability issues.
  6. Support Limitations: Users experience delays in support response, with no phone support for urgent issues.
  7. Name Mapping and Freezing Issues: Challenges with name mapping updates and system freezing during operations, requiring extensive debugging.
  8. Frequent Updates with Errors: Regular updates reportedly introduce encoding and browser errors, raising questions about product testing.
  9. Marketing Communication: Users report receiving frequent, repetitive communication regarding subscription renewals, sometimes directed at incorrect contacts.

In summary, TestComplete offers a range of user-friendly features for UI testing and integration, but it faces challenges with documentation, name mapping stability, multi-resolution support, and overall reliability. These factors are crucial for users to consider when evaluating TestComplete for their testing framework.

Katalon Studio

Advantages of Katalon Studio:
  1. Integrated Automation Framework: Katalon Studio's built-in automation framework is commended for its user-friendliness and effectiveness in simplifying test automation.
  2. Extensive Inbuilt Keywords: The tool's rich set of inbuilt keywords is appreciated for enabling diverse testing tasks without complex scripting, enhancing efficiency and flexibility in testing.
  3. ALM Tools Integration: Users value Katalon Studio's seamless integration with Application Lifecycle Management tools, which aids in efficient test case management and enhances collaborative workflows.
Challenges with Katalon Studio:
  1. Desktop Automation Performance: Some users report sluggish performance with the desktop automation tool, including issues like tool crashes and the need for reinstallation during updates.
  2. Outdated Learning Resources: There is a noted need for updated tutorials and documentation to keep pace with new version releases, posing a learning challenge for users.
  3. Limited Community Engagement and Support: Concerns have been raised about the lack of active participation in the Katalon forum and suboptimal customer support experiences, including slow email responses.

In summary, while Katalon Studio is lauded for its integrated framework, extensive keywords, and ALM integration, it faces challenges with desktop tool performance, outdated educational resources, and limited community and customer support. These aspects are crucial for potential users to consider when evaluating Katalon Studio for their testing requirements.


The landscape of desktop automation tools is evolving, with solutions like AskUI pioneering new approaches that emphasize ease of use, quick integration, and flexibility. Whether you are a developer or a manual tester, the current market offers a tool that can cater to your specific needs and enhance your software testing capabilities.

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