Automate Web Search on Android Devices with askui

February 13, 2024
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In this tutorial, we will automate web browser searching on Android devices. This tutorial assumes that you have already set up your Android test device, alongside the Android Development Environment. If you haven't set it up yet, you can check out our previous tutorial.


1. Prepare the askui Test Environment

Install and initialize askui

First, go to the directory where you have your npm project. If you don't have one, you can create it with npm init

Then, use the commands below to install askui alongside a few additional tools:

-- CODE language-bash line-numbers -- npm i -D askui typescript ts-node @types/jest ts-jest jest npx askui init # this generates a test suite within the project directory

After creating the askui test suite, add your credentials in helper/jest.setup.ts:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- aui = await{ credentials: { workspaceId: '', token: '', } });

💡 askui credentials: You can get your askui credentials from the askui user portal for free.

If you have any issues while setting up askui, you can have a look at the more descriptive tutorial (Windows, Linux, macOS) or just drop by our Discord and ask the community.

Configure askui for Android

We need to run the UiController manually with an extra argument to specify the runtime mode, as the current version of askui(ver. 0.4) doesn't provide the API for running it with the runtime option yet.

-- CODE language-bash line-numbers -- cd /node_modules/askui/dist/release/latest/ ./askui-ui-controller -r android # for example, Mac OS cd node_modules/askui/dist/release/latest/darwin/ ./askui-ui-controller -r android # If you can't find the binary as described above, # then you might have askui freshly installed and haven't run it yet. # The binary gets downloaded as the askui test code runs. # Run the command below to run the askui test code: npx jest test/my-first-askui-test-suite.test.ts --config ./test/jest.config.ts

Thereafter, we have to change a few lines of the generated test code, as the code ships with the code that creates another UiController instance.

Go to helper/jest.setup.ts and deactivate every line that is using uiController:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- import { UiControlClient, UiController } from 'askui'; // Server for controlling the operating system // let uiController: UiController; // Client is necessary to use the askui API // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports let aui: UiControlClient; jest.setTimeout(60 * 1000 * 60); beforeAll(async () => { // uiController = new UiController({ // /** // * Select the display you want to run your tests on, display 0 is your main display; // * ignore if you have only one display // */ // display: 0, // }); // await uiController.start(); aui = await{ credentials: { workspaceId: myworkspaceid, token: mytoken, } }); await aui.connect(); }); afterAll(async () => { // await uiController.stop(); aui.close(); }); export { aui };

2. Try Annotating

Make sure that your Android device is connected, or if you are using the Android Emulator, make sure that it is open and running on your computer.

askui provides a feature where you can monitor how the visible elements are understood by askui.
Try to change the code within test/my-first-askui-test-suite.test.ts:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- import { aui } from './helper/jest.setup'; describe('jest with askui', () => { it('should show the annotation', async () => { await aui.annotateInteractively(); }); });

and run,

-- CODE language-bash line-numbers -- npx jest test/my-first-askui-test-suite.test.ts --config ./test/jest.config.ts

Annotated screenshot of the Android Emulator

💡 Annotation is Interactive
Try to hover your mouse on the red bounding box. It will let you know how to manipulate that element via askui

3. Automate Web Searching

Now we are good to go for the actual automation process.
The automation consist of three steps:

  1. Open Chrome
  2. Select the search bar and type 'spacecraft'
  3. Click on the desired search result

1) Open Chrome

To open Chrome, we first have to figure out how we can let askui know where to click on.

Annotated Chrome icon

As we can see in the annotated information, the Chrome icon is recognized as an icon: undo. Indeed, we could also tell askui to select the icon: undo, but we will try to do it in a more precise way.

What we gonna do is:

(1) Select the search bar
(2) Type 'chrome'
(3) Select the icon above the text 'chrome'

This sideway approach will give us a more consistent result because typing chrome in the search bar will give us a more clearly understandable visual element.

Try to change your code according to this:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- import { aui } from './helper/jest.setup'; describe('jest with askui', () => { it('should open chrome', async () => { // Here we try to avoid failing our test by using the try-catch phrase. // It is because, 'textfield' and 'textarea' are seeming quite the same, even if they are tagged with different names. try { await; } catch (error) { await; } // Type the desired keyword into the search bar await aui.type('chrome').exec(); // We wait for 1500 milliseconds, to make sure that the search result has been loaded before askui start to look for the search result. await aui.waitFor(1500).exec(); // Then click the icon that is above the text 'chrome' await'chrome').exec(); }); });

and run,

-- CODE language-bash line-numbers -- npx jest test/my-first-askui-test-suite.test.ts --config ./test/jest.config.ts

Now you will be able to see that Chrome has been opened.

2) Select the Search Bar and Type 'spacecraft'

Let's select the search bar of chrome, and type our desired keyword in there.

Main page of the Chrome app

Add this code block to the bottom of our code:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // We first look for the search bar. Depending on the system language of your device, the default text within the search bar may differ. await'search or type web address').exec(); // Type our desired keyword and hit enter await aui.type('spacecraft').exec(); await aui.pressAndroidKey('enter').exec();

In some cases, when searching in Google, you will be asked to give consent for the cookies.
To avoid our test from failing, we have to examine whether we got a pop-up for the cookie consent or not:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- try { // The `expect()` examines whether a specific element is detected or not. // A command starting with `expect()` must always end with `exists()` or `notExists()` await aui.expect().text().containsText('cookies').notExists().exec(); } catch (error) { await'read more').exec(); await aui.waitFor(1000).exec(); // wait until the scrolling animation has been finished await'accept all').exec(); } // From here, we can write our next code

3) Click on the Desired Search Result

Search result of 'spacecraft'

After clearing the cookie consent pop-up, we can see and click our desired search result. In our test case, we will look for the result from Wikipedia:

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // We ask the askui to click the text that contains 'wikipedia' which is the text that is nearest to the text containing '' await'wikipedia').nearestTo().text().containsText('').exec();

Pay attention to the command nearestTo() that is interconnecting two different text elements.

askui offers several Relational commands, which enable you to select the desired element in an intuitively understandable way:

  • above()
  • below()
  • contains()
  • in()
  • leftOf
  • rightOf
  • nearestTo

💡 About withText() and containsText()

You might wonder how withText() and containsText() differ. withText() tries to match the given text as the whole sequence, whereas containsText() tries to match the given text as a sub-text within the elements. Generally speaking, containsText() can be handier to match the text roughly, but you might face a test case where you want to find a specific text as a whole sequence.

4. Complete Test Code

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- import { aui } from './helper/jest.setup'; describe('jest with askui', () => { it('should search spacecraft in chrome', async () => { // Here we try to avoid failing our test by using the try-catch phrase. // It is because, 'textfield' and 'textarea' are seeming quite the same, even if they are tagged with different names. try { await; } catch (error) { await; } // Type the desired keyword into the search bar await aui.type('chrome').exec(); // We wait for 1500 miliseconds, to make sure that the search result has been loaded before askui start to look for the search result. await aui.waitFor(1500).exec(); // Then click the icon that is above the text 'chrome' await'chrome').exec(); // We wait the Chrome app to be launched await aui.waitFor(1500).exec(); // We first look for the search bar. Depending on the system language of your device, the default text within the search bar may differ. await'search or type web address').exec(); // Type our desired keyword and hit enter await aui.type('spacecraft').exec(); await aui.pressAndroidKey('enter'); // We wait for the search result to be loaded await aui.waitFor(3000).exec(); try { // The `expect()` examines whether a specific element is detected or not. // A command starting with `expect()` must always end with `exists()` or `notExists()` await aui.expect().text().containsText('cookies').notExists().exec(); } catch (error) { await'read more').exec(); await aui.waitFor(1000).exec(); // wait until the scrolling animation has been finished await'accept all').exec(); } // We ask the askui to click the text that contains 'wikipedia' which is the text that is nearest to the text containing '' await'wikipedia').nearestTo().text().containsText('').exec(); }); });

5. Done

We have covered a use case of askui to automate web searching in Android devices. If you got any issues while following the instruction, feel free to ask in our Discord!

Johannes Dienst
February 13, 2024
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