Automate Glowing Outline Effect in Gimp with AskUI

Johannes Dienst
February 13, 2024
Cropped-out man with a glow effect around the outline. Title at the bottom: Automate Glow. Four green arrows pointing to the glow alongside the top.
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AskUI shines when you realize a workflow has a complex clickpath and you want to automate it adhoc. This blog post shows you how you can automate a graphics effect I need for YouTube thumbnails: Outline glow effect of a cropped out person in Gimp!

Why automate this in the first place? It causes wrist pain because of the long clickpath 😋.

Here is the automation in action:

Speed up recording of applying a glow effect in Gimp with AskUI.
Speed up recording of applying a glow effect in Gimp with AskUI.


  • Gimp and a cropped out person you want to a add glow effect to

Prepare Layers in Gimp

Your Layer with the cropped out person needs to have a distinctive name - In this example Johannes. Also scale it to the image size by right-clicking on the layer and select Scale to image size.

Then activate the Magic select-tool (magic wand icon) and place the mouse cursor next to the person.

Step-by-step Code Walkthrough

1. Select Only the Person

With the Magic select-tool clicking left selects everything except the person. By inverting the selection with the shortcut CTRL+i (Command+i on macOS) you select only the person.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- // Make sure the focus is on gimp await aui.mouseLeftClick().exec(); await aui.mouseLeftClick().exec(); await aui.pressTwoKeys('command', 'i').exec();

2. Create New Layer for Glow

Then create a new layer above the layer of the cropped out person layer. This is why you need a distinctive name for it, so you can move the mouse cursor to it reliably 🙂.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- await aui.moveMouseTo().text('Johannes').exec(); await aui.mouseRightClick().exec(); await'New Layer...').exec(); await'OK').exec();

3. Grow the Selection and Fill It with Background Color

Let's grow the selection so we can get an actual outline and fill it with the background color.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- await'Select').exec(); await'Grow...').exec(); await'OK').exec(); await aui.pressTwoKeys('command', '.').exec(); // Fill

4. Apply Blur Filter for Smoother Glow

Now you have to navigate to the menu item Filters and click it. After that move the mouse cursor to the Blur menu item. Navigate with keypresses to Gaussian Blur and set the size to 6.16 for a nice glow. Apply the filter by clicking the OK-button.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- await'Filters').exec(); await aui.moveMouseTo().text('Blur').exec(); await aui.pressKey('right').exec(); await aui.pressKey('down').exec(); await aui.pressKey('enter').exec(); await'Size X').exec(); await'OK').exec();

5. Move the Layer below the Person Layer

Nearly finished! But the glow has to be behind the person. For this you have to drag the person-layer over the Glow-layer in the layers menu.

You can achieve this by doing the following: Move the mouse over the person-layer, toggle the mouse down so you can drag it. Then move it relatively just over the Glow-layer and release the mouse by toggling up.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- await aui.moveMouseRelativelyTo(50 ,0).text('Johannes').exec(); await aui.mouseToggleDown().exec(); await aui.moveMouseRelativelyTo(0, -10).text('Glow').exec(); await aui.mouseToggleUp().exec();

Full Code

And finally the full code used for the AskUI Workflow.

-- CODE language-ts line-numbers -- it('Lets Glow', async () => { // Make sure the focus is on gimp await aui.mouseLeftClick().exec(); // Start of actual workflow await aui.mouseLeftClick().exec(); await aui.pressTwoKeys('command', 'i').exec(); await aui.moveMouseTo().text('Johannes').exec(); await aui.mouseRightClick().exec(); await'New Layer...').exec(); await'OK').exec(); await'Select').exec(); await'Grow...').exec(); await'OK').exec(); await aui.pressTwoKeys('command', '.').exec(); await'Filters').exec(); await aui.moveMouseTo().text('Blur').exec(); await aui.pressKey('right').exec(); await aui.pressKey('down').exec(); await aui.pressKey('enter').exec(); await'Size X').exec(); await'OK').exec(); await aui.moveMouseRelativelyTo(50 ,0).text('Johannes').exec(); await aui.mouseToggleDown().exec(); await aui.moveMouseRelativelyTo(0, -10).text('Glow').exec(); await aui.mouseToggleUp().exec(); });


The automation of the workflow is not faster then me doing it manually. But it is much less straining for your wrist, which is a big thing to keep you productive in the long run.

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